Necturus maculosus
State Listing: Special Concern
Note external gills.
Commonly Confused Native Species:
Often Not Confused with other Species
Size: A large sized salamander measuring 7.8 to 17 inches in
length with permanent bushy gills and a fin-like tail.
Connecticut's largest and fully aquatic salamander.
Color: The dorsum is olive in color with blackish mottling. They
have prominent reddish bushy gills. The venter is a
whitish gray in color.
Behavior: Fast to escape predators using a specialized sensory
system, the lateral line, which aids in the detection of
water pressure changes. If faced with danger they
secrete a toxin for defense. Sometimes called
waterdogs because of a "bark-like" squeak they make.
Habitat: In Connecticut the mudpuppy seems restricted to the
Connecticut and Housatonic river drainages.