Wood Frog
Rana sylvatica

Note the light tan coloration.

Note the dark grayish-brown coloration.

Note the formation of the rear limbs.
Commonly Confused Native Species:
Often Not Confused with other Species
Size: A medium sized frog measuring 1.5 to 2.5 inches in
Color: The dorsum is light tan to dark brown in color with two
dark brownish black mask-like markings behind the
eyes. The venter is white. The thighs are sometimes
colored yellow.
Behavior: When encountered wood frogs may freeze in place
crouching low to the ground relying on their cryptic
coloration to conceal their presence against the
background leaf litter. If concealment does not work
they are quick to flee, seeking shelter in nearby
vegetation or under the cover of leaf litter, rocks or logs.
Habitat: Wood frogs occur in a variety of forested habitats across
the state. They require seasonal wetlands for egg
deposition and larval development; vernal pools are