Fowler's Toad
Bufo fowleri
State Listing: Under Review
Note the grayish-green coloration with two to three tubercles in each pigmented spot.
Note the grayish-green coloration with two to three tubercles in each pigmented spot.
Note the light brown coloration with two to three tubercles in each pigmented spot.
Note grayish-green hue
Note pigmented chin, characteristic of males
Size: A medium to large sized frog measuring 2 to 3 inches in
Color: The dorsum and legs vary in color from light brown to
gray or grayish green and are scattered with tubercles;
typically two to three per pigmented spot. The venter is
pure white, sometimes with a spot on breastbone; males
have pigmented throats. A prominent vertebral stripe
often occurs.
Behavior: When encountered they may quickly flee or remain still
crouching down relying on their cryptic coloration for
protection. When handled they often excrete urine and
may vocalize to express alarm and distress. When
ingestion by predators is imminent they puff up and
excrete a distasteful toxin from their parotoid glands
located just behind their eyes, often causing the
would-be predator to release them.
Habitat: Prefer open and closed habitats with sandy soils in
coastal and low-lying areas across the state. Breeding
habitats are numerous, including seasonal pools,
permanent ponds, flood plains and meadows and
man-made impoundments.