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Pickerel Frog   

Rana palustris

Commonly Confused Native Species:




Size:                  A medium sized frog measuring 1.5 to 3 inches in length.


Color:                The dorsum is light tan in color with darker brown

                           squares arranged between two longitudinal cream

                           colored lines. The thighs and groin are colored bright

                           yellow or orange. The venter is white.  Can be

                           distinguished from the leopard frog by its square not

                           circular brown markings and its brightly colored thighs

                           and groin.                          


Behavior:         When encountered pickerel frogs may freeze in place

                           crouching low to the ground relying on their cryptic

                           coloration to conceal their presence against the

                           background vegetation.  If concealment does not work

                           they are quick to flee.            


Habitat:            Common in a variety of aquatic habitats and associated

                           uplands.  Often seen along open water edges,  wet

                           meadows and wooded swamps.            


Created and Maintained by Dennis P. Quinn

© 2020 Connecticut Herpetology

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