Atlantic Coast Leopard Frog
Rana kauffeldi
State Listing: Under Review
Note small spots on dorsum
Note characteristic dark background coloration.
Size: A medium sized frog measuring 2 to 3 inches in length.
Color: Dull olive green to brown background coloration with
small dark brown to black spots. They have fewer spots
than the northern leopard frog. The femoral reticula
pattern is distinctly dark versus the light femoral reticula
of the northern leopard frog. The dark reticula is is the
most reliable field character.
Behavior: When encountered Atlantic coast leopard frogs may
freeze in place crouching low to the ground relying on their
cryptic coloration to conceal their presence against the
background vegetation. If concealment does not work
they are quick to flee, often with a few quick jumps prior to
freezing in place.
Habitat: Atlantic coast Leopard frogs occur in open or partially
canopied wetland habitats often associated with extensive
floodplain systems. There are currently only two known
populations of this newly described species in